After 15 members: Let’s meet!
After 50 members: Let’s start our Timebank
After 15 members: Let’s meet!
After 50 members: Let’s start our Timebank
Actions build social capital. Social capital builds potential.
eg: You fill out your profile or a form. Your ideas in a forum receive upvotes. You moderate a discussion. You form a group in your city. You trade services in your Timebank. You participate in an event. People you invite join the Platform. Your social media post goes viral. You contribute to a crowdfund. You make a tax-exempt contribution to our charity, and so on.
Some actions open to work opportunities. Taking a fun class and passing an exam on conflict resolution or on campaigning will earn you a level of a badge, but it may also make you a candidate for a paid administrative position.
Some actions will earn you a Bit, a fraction of our (future) Crypto coin ‘Social Horizon’, focused on equitable wealth distribution. Through that you may build your retirement plan, if you need one.
You will be receiving challenges to earn different forms of rewards. You will be building reputation and wealth. So, make sure you are an active member of your local and national charters of the Platform. Let’s jump in!
Starting this journey with us, don’t get comfortable in being an anonymous observer behind a screen.
We need your regular and active participation.
The sum of small positive actions of an ever-growing number of members, builds an enormous social capital and moves us forward to manifest our collective prosperity.
It may take you a while to grasp the practical meaning of these words, and how the growth of our community can positively impact your life.
For now, know this:
“Godwin’s Law”: “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches”.
People rarely even read the arguments of the person they chat with.
So, how do we discuss, deliberate and make collective decisions?
With moderated discussions. Humans learn and adapt to social behavioral norms.
Our 3 moderation laws (rules of engagement)
1. Never attack someone personally (ad hominem). Debate their argument instead. A few infractions can get you banned.
2. Avoid ideological speech. Triggering your fellow member distracts from the argument you’re making.
3. Try to stay on topic. Anyone reading the dialogue should be able to follow the flow.
“Moderator” is not a power position. It’s a temporary task that we are trying to have everyone rotate on. Soon we will also have AI assistance.
When a newcomer joins the platform, they get onboarding training with gamification (rewards), so they’re aware of the principles and the expectations for their social behavior. Once they join an existing group, they experience the rules in action. Social conformity guides them to adjust and play well.
If you’re a fan of Startrek, you know it can 🙂
If not, ask yourself how many of the wars in history, you believe were necessary?
How many of those happened because a handful of psychopathic or sociopathic leaders manipulated the public into seeing the ‘others’ as evil, who need to be ‘corrected’, o enslaved, or eradicated?
When you travel and admire other countries, do you see the people there as prey, or do you feel an attraction to connect and enrich yourself a bit with their culture?
Underneath our brainwashed competitiveness, we are curious, empathic and longing for real connection. Those ‘others’ are, too.
A dream you dream alone, is a dream.
A dream you dream with others, is reality.
John Lennon
Humanity has been conditioned for too many generations to rely on leaders -typically the worst of the species- to make our decisions for us.
A significant problem with that: a leader is very easily corrupted. What we’re experiencing is a pyramidal structure where a very few dominate billions of us, for greed and power.
We prefer democracy. That is, people deciding on what matters instead of electing someone controlled by a few oligarchs.
There is enough history and experience to support that people can actually make reasonable decisions when their social structure and behavior allow it.
Instead of leaders, we have temporary project managers. Once the project is done, someone else takes over the next one.
Our platform teaches and sets an example of how well that works.
Quick Quiz: Who is the sweet smiling gentleman in the photo?
The Platform is a system of collective governance. It will give you the tools to get together, deliberate, decide and organize actions.
Beyond that, it’s a system that builds trust and develops social economy, with the goal of offering everyone security and community, and getting us out of the financial and health struggles that the current system imposes on us.
Community supported agriculture, a Timebank, Coops, consumer protection, even a robust crypto are just some of our plans.
Your community can thrive with the Direct Democracy Platform.
Our competitive conditioning has us believe that every person has a different opinion on a matter.
Contrary to that, there’s only several possible points of view on each subject.
If you remove psychological factors such as competition, a disagreement is just a different point of view or a different wording of the same point.
We consider all points of view necessary to synthesize a wholistic view of the subject we’re working on.
Through theoretical and practical lessons, members become as open to examine another’s perspective as to their own.
An interesting game for that is to have members of a group state their perspective and then assign to each to present the arguments for the opposite perspective.
Additionally, moderators, through their training, acquire the tools to mitigate ideological or psychological tension.
Once a group matures, there is great pleasure in debating a point, and even greater in eventually seeing the whole view.